Monday, December 8, 2008

Candy Cane Cookies

A Merry Christmas
Roger Tim Johnson

6 c. Flour
2 tsp. Cream of Tartar
2 tsp. Baking Soda
1 tsp. Salt
2 c. Butter
6 large Eggs
2 1/2 c. Sugar
1 tsp. Vanilla
2 or 3 tsp. Peppermint Extract
?? Red Food Coloring
Sift together the...
Flour, Cream of tartar,
Baking Soda, & Salt.
Cut in the Butter.
Lightly beat the Eggs, and add
the Sugar & Vanilla.
Add to Butter & dry mixture.
Then add the Peppermint extract.
Mix thoroughly.
Separate the dough equally in 1/2.....
Put only 1/2 of the dough in a bowl, &
blend in enough Red Food Coloring
so it looks fairly bright.
Keep the two bowls of dough separate...
Refrigerate both doughs.
Take pieces of uncolored dough, little at a time,
and roll it so it looks somewhat like a pencil.
Lay these aside.
Then .....
do the same with the Red dough.
Twist a plane dough piece, & a Red dough piece
together so it looks like a long barber pole.
Curve one end to make it look like a cane.
Place on a cookie sheet.
Sprinkle some Sugar over the top of each cane.
Bake at about 350
(watch cookies close so as not to burn)
Wintergreen extract may be used,
along with Green Food Coloring.
This Recipe may be cut in 1/2.

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