Boil slowly the Meat from a Calf's Head,
dressed with the skin on,
in four quarts of Watter, with a Tablespoon of Salt.
When cold, cut the face meat into dice,
reserving the best for
To the Liquor add
six Cloves,
six Allspice,
and six Pepper Corns,
a small piece of Stick Cinnamon,
a bouquet of Herbs,
two small Onions,
a Carrot,
a Turnip,
a piece of Celery Root,
and simmer until reduced to two quarts.
Strain and cool.
Remove the Fat, and put on to boil,
seasoning with
a salt spoonful of ground Marjoram or Thyme,
a salt spoonful of Pepper,
and Salt to taste.
Take a pint of Brown Stock,
two Tablespoons of Butter browned,
and two Tablespoons of Flour,
and make a thickening, which stir into the Stock.
Boil three Eggs twenty minutes,
and make the Yolks into Egg-balls,
or cut the whole Eggs into half-inch slices.
Make Force-Meat-Balls of the meat reserved,
by chopping very fine,
seasoning highly,
and add enough of the beaten Yolk of an Egg
to moisten the Meat.
Make this into balls the size of a Hickory Nut,
sprinkle them with Flour,
brown some Butter in a pan,
and brown the Meat Balls.
Put the Force-Meat Balls and Egg Balls into the tureen,
pour over them the Soup,
and serve very hot.
A glass of Sherry Wine,
or a Tablespoon of Worcestershire Sauce is sometimes added.