Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Fried, left-over Cornmeal Mush

From a
cook book



Fill molds with Cornmeal Mush packed tightly and let stand until cold and firm,
slice and brown in Fat.
Serve with Syrup.

Cornmeal Mush is very good for this.


1. Cheese sauce, Tomato sauce, or Creamed Fish,
Meat or Eggs may be served on slices of fried Mush.

2. Mix left-over Mush with Cheese,
finely-chopped Meat or Fish,
slightly beaten Egg,
and Seasonings;
shape into cakes and brown in Fat,
and serve with a Sauce.

3. Mix Mush with Salt and Pepper,
shape into cakes,
brush over with melted Fat,
place a small Hamburger Steak on top.
Bake in a moderately hot oven until nicely browned.

4. Mix Cereal Mush with Fruit,
mold and chill.
Serve with Cream or a Fruit Sauce as a dessert.

5. Arrange Cereal Mush in layers with sweetened Fruit
in a well-greased baking dish.

Bake until nicely browned on top.

Serve with Fruit Sauce or Cream as a Dessert.

6. Add Cereal Mush to Yeast Bread mixtures or
Quick Bread mixtures,
several recipes of which will be found.

7. Add Cereal Mush to Meat loaf mixtures
in place of Bread Crumbs,
or both may be added.

8. Add Cereal Mush to Croquette mixtures.

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