Sunday, April 4, 2010

Surprise Ham Croquettes

From a
cook book
= = = = =
2 c. Mashed Potatoes
1 Tbsp. Fat, {melted
3 Egg Yolks
some Cayenne
1 c. chopped, Cooked Ham
some Crumbs
1 large Egg
Mix the
2 Egg Yolks,
and Cayenne.
Beat until smooth,
then cool.
Mix Ham with remaining Yolk,
and cook until Mixture thickens.
Take a large Tbsp. of the Potato Mixture,
make a hole in the center,
put a large tsp. of the chopped Ham inside,
close the hole and form a ball.
Roll in Crumbs.
then in Egg,
and again in Crumbs
and fry in hot Deep Fat (380 F.)
for about 5 minutes.
Makes 8.
o o o o o o o o

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