Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ham Toast

From a
cook book
- - - - - - - - - -
Use 1/4 pound lean Ham, chopped fine;
beat the Yolks of 3 Eggs well;
add 3 Tbsp. Cream;
stir over fire adding a little more Ham at a time,
when it thickens season with Cayenne and spread on hot Toast.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Corn Soup

From a
cook book
1 c. Corn
1 pt. Milk
2 Tbsp. Crisco
1 pt. boiling Water
1 large slice of Onion
2 Tbsp. Flour
A little Pepper
Combine Corn and Water.
Simmer 20 minutes.
Rub through sieve.
Scald Milk with Onion and add to Corn.
Melt Crisco and blend in Flour.
Pour hot Liquid slowly over the
Crisco-Flour mixture and cook until thickened.
Sprinkle with finely chopped Parsley
just before serving.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Oatmeal Bread

Found in a
cook book
() () () () ()
2 c. Oatmeal
4 c. boiling Water (cover over for 1 hour)
1 Tbsp. Lard
1 Yeast Cake dissolved in 1 cup warm Water
1/2 c. Molasses in 1/2 cup Water
2 tsp. Salt
12 c. Flour
Cover and let rise,
then mold in loaves.
Bake in a medium oven,
45 minutes to 1 hour,
according to the heat.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Oyster Pie

From a
very old
cook book
(age unknown)

Line a deep dish with nice Pastry,
dredge the Crust with Flour,
pour in 1 pint of Oysters.
Season well with Butter, Salt, & Pepper,
sprinkling Flour over all.
Pour on a little of the Oyster Liquor.
Cover with a Crust.
Two hard-boiled Eggs chopped coarsely and
mixed with the Oysters,
will be found a desirable addition.
The Eggs and the Flour may be omitted,
and a cup of Cracker Crumbs used instead.
1/2 teaspoon of Mace is liked by some.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Butter Scotch, Chocolate pudding

A very old
hand written
1 c. Brown Sugar
1/2 c. Flour

2 c. Milk, {scalded)
2 oz. Chocolate, {melted)
1 Tbsp. Water
18 tsp. Salt
2 Egg Yolks, {slightly beaten)
1 Tbsp. Butter
1/2 tsp. Vanilla
Blend Sugar and Flour,
add enough Milk to make smooth paste.
Continue to add remaining rest of Milk.
Add Chocolate & stir.
Cook in top of double boiler, {covered)
for 5 minutes.
Stir Water & Salt into Egg Yolks,
add a little of cooked Mixture,
return to remaining cooked Mixture,
add Butter and cook 1 minute longer.
Cool, add Vanilla.
Then pour into a baked 9 inch Pastry shell.
Top with Meringue.
2 Egg Whites,
4 Tbsp. Brown Sugar,
1/2 tsp. Vanilla.
Beat Egg Whites until frothy,
add Brown Sugar gradually,
beat until stiff, and add Vanilla.
Bake in slow oven
for 15 to 18 minutes.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

X - Oven Temperatures for Baking

From a
cook book
Slow Oven............................................................. 250 to 350
Moderate Oven.................................................... 350 to 400
Quick or Hot Oven............................................... 400 to 450
Very Hot Oven..................................................... 450 to 550
. This is always good to know.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


From a
cook book
Boil fresh Calf's Tongue,
or Sheep's Tongue until tender.
Slice and keep hot while you prepare
a Sour-Sweet Sauce by heating a gill (1/2 c.)
of the Liquor in which the Meat was boiled,

adding to it a Tablespoon each of
Salad Oil and Vinegar,
a heaping teaspoon each of Granulated Sugar,
Sultana Raisins,
and Almonds,
blanched and shredded.
Add Salt & Pepper to taste.
The real Italian Agrodolce has
a large Tablespoon of grated Chocolate
added to this Sauce,
which is then poured over the sliced Tongue.
Singular as the combination sounds,
it is yet very good.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Bread & Butter pickles

An old 1938
Home Made
6 Qts. sliced Cucumbers
12 medium Onions, (cut up fine)> A layer of each in Salt,
let stand over night.
6 green Maugoes, (cut up fine)
7 c. Sugar
6 Tbsp. (large) Celery seed
4 Tbsp. White Mustard Seed
1 Qt. Sour Vinegar
Pour over Cucumbers
and let come to a good boil, (slowly).
Dissolve Sugar & Spices in Vinegar first on stove.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Monday, September 21, 2009

Mock Turtle Soup No. 1

From a
cook book
Boil slowly the Meat from a Calf's Head,
dressed with the skin on,
in four quarts of Watter, with a Tablespoon of Salt.
When cold, cut the face meat into dice,
reserving the best for
To the Liquor add
six Cloves,
six Allspice,
and six Pepper Corns,
a small piece of Stick Cinnamon,
a bouquet of Herbs,
two small Onions,
a Carrot,
a Turnip,
a piece of Celery Root,
and simmer until reduced to two quarts.
Strain and cool.
Remove the Fat, and put on to boil,
seasoning with
a salt spoonful of ground Marjoram or Thyme,
a salt spoonful of Pepper,
and Salt to taste.
Take a pint of Brown Stock,
two Tablespoons of Butter browned,
and two Tablespoons of Flour,
and make a thickening, which stir into the Stock.
Boil three Eggs twenty minutes,
and make the Yolks into Egg-balls,
or cut the whole Eggs into half-inch slices.
Make Force-Meat-Balls of the meat reserved,
by chopping very fine,
seasoning highly,
and add enough of the beaten Yolk of an Egg
to moisten the Meat.
Make this into balls the size of a Hickory Nut,
sprinkle them with Flour,
brown some Butter in a pan,
and brown the Meat Balls.
Put the Force-Meat Balls and Egg Balls into the tureen,
pour over them the Soup,
and serve very hot.
A glass of Sherry Wine,
or a Tablespoon of Worcestershire Sauce is sometimes added.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Mock Turtle Soup No. 2

From a
cook book
A Mock Turtle Soup can be made without Calf's Head,
but it is not so nice.

The foundation is;
Black Beans, of which a pint are soaked over night.
Fry some slices of Salt Pork brown,
and put in an Onion, which should be browned.
Cut up a pound of lean Beef in small pieces
into five quarts of cold Water,
put in the Beans, the Pork, and the Onion,
and simmer slowly for three hours.
Add slices of Carrot and Turnip,
and a dozen Cloves,
and simmer another hour.
Strain and return to the stove.
Slice one or two Hard Boiled Eggs, and a Lemon,
into a Soup tureen,
season the Soup, and pour it over the Eggs and Lemon.
A wine glass of Sherry improves it.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Fruit Punch

From a
somewhat old
cook book
1/2 c. Sugar
1 c.
3 - 6 oz. cans (18 oz.) Orange Juice
1 Qt. Ginger ale
4 oz. pitted Cherries & Juice
1 Orange, {sliced thin
1 Qt. Cream Soda
1 pkg. frozen Raspberries
Heat the Sugar and Water.
Combine the Fruit Juices,
Ginger ale, Cream Soda,
Cherries and Orange Slices.
Press thawed Raspberries through
a sieve and add.
Add the Sugar, Water Syrup and
Ice Cubes.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Salami Cheese, and Tomato Sandwich

One of my own
Butter 2 slices of bread;
on one slice, cover with Salami Cheese.
slice a freshly picked, home grown Tomato
and cover the Cheese with Tomato slices.
Lay the other slice of Buttered Bread on top
to make a sandwich.

Scotch Short Bread #2

From a
cook book
1 c. Butter
3/4 c. Brown Sugar
2 1/4 c. Flour, {sifted
Cream Butter,
add the Brown Sugar,
work in Flour.
Roll 1/4 inch thick on Floured board.
Cut in diamonds.
Bake in slow oven
( 325 degrees F.)
Makes about 70


Scotch Short Bread # 1

From a
cook book
2 c. Flour
1 c. Butter
1/2 c. Icing Sugar
Cream Butter,
then add slowly the Icing Sugar,
beating continually.
Now add the Flour, a very little at a time,
stirring well until all the Flour is well mixed
with the other ingredients.
Roll or pat on Floured board,
cut into rounds or in squares.
Bake in slow oven
until light brown.
= = = = = = = = = =

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Noodle Balls (home made)

From a
cook book
Use Noodle Recipe Mixture,
allowing less Flour.
Shape into round marbles,
and cook in boiling Salted Water for 20 to 30 minutes.
Serve hot in Soups.

Noodles (home made)

From a
cook book
some Flour
1/2 tsp. Salt
1 Egg
some Cayenne
slight grating of Nutmeg
Beat Egg.
Add all Seasoning and
enough Flour to make a stiff Dough.
Work on Floured board until smooth and elastic.
Cut a small portion and roll thin as a wafer.
Cut in fancy shapes and cook in boiling Salted Water,
or Soup Stock, for 20 minutes.
Serve hot in Soups.
This Paste may be spread on the bottom of
inverted dripping pans and baked in a quick oven.
Crease before removing from pan.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mince Meat Pie Filling

From a
cook book
3 lbs. Lean Beef, {finely chopped
2 lbs. Suet, {finely chopped
3 Qts. Apples, {finely chopped

3 lbs. Raisins, {chopped
2 lbs. Currants
3 lbs. Citron, {cut in small pieces
1/2 c. Candied Orange Peel, {chopped
1/2 c. Candied Lemon Peel,{chopped
1/2 c. Lemon Juice
1/4 c. Orange Juice
2 Tbsp. Salt
4 c. Sugar
1 c. Coffee
2 c. Cider
1 tsp. Cloves
1 tsp. Allspice
2 tsp. Cinnamon
3 c. Brandy
1 c. Sherry
1 c. Currant Jelly
Mix all ingredients except
for the Brandy, and Sherry.
Cook 2 hours.
Add Liquor;
let stand in crock for a week
before using.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Mince Meat Pie

From a
cook book
4 Qts. of chopped Meat
5 Qts. chopped Apples
2 lbs. Raisins, (chopped fine)
2 lbs. Raisins, (left whole)
2 lbs. Black Currants
1/2 lb. Citron
1/2 lb. Candied Orange Peel, (finely cut)
4 Qt. Sugar
2 c. Molasses
1 pt. boiling Cider
1/2 pt. Wine, or Brandy
1 Tbsp. Salt
1/4 c. Cinnamon
1/4 c. ground Cloves
1/4 c. Nutmeg
3 Lemons, (grated peel and juice)

Stir all together, and boil slowly one hour.
While hot, add 2 c. Butter.
If it seems too dry,
add more Boiled Cider.
Seven pounds of meat makes
this quantity.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sauer Kraut (how to make)

Roger T. Johnson
Select good looking and fairly solid Cabbages.
(Ask for Kraut Cabbages, if possible).
The fresher, the better.
Clean and cut in 1/2's or 1/4's
Trim off the very end of core.
Weigh out 5 pounds of Cabbage.
Cut this first 5 pounds up with a Kraut cutter,
into a Stone ware crock.
After 5 pounds are shredded,
sprinkle 3 Table spoons of canning Salt over the top of it.
Stomp down until juicy.
(A 3 inch X 3 inch board can make a good stomper
when sanded down, cleaned and sterilized).
Prepare 5 more pounds of Cabbage;
cut up and add 3 more Table spoons of Salt,
then stomp it down again.
Repeat by doing the same thing over again.
Once you have made the amount desired,
stomp it down extra good the last time.
Do Not add any Water, or other Liquid.
Cabbage will produce plenty of Juice to cover it.
Kraut must be kept submerged with a large
enough plate to keep all, or most all air from it.
Let it sit in a warm place to work.
(From 2 to 4 weeks)
Do not be alarmed if Mold or Slime produce on top
after 1 or 2 weeks, just skim it off.
It only means that it's working like it should.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mince Meat No. 4

From a
cook book
2 1/2 lbs. round of Beef
2 Qts. chopped Apples
1/2 pt. chopped Suet
1 1/2 pts. Raisins
1 pt. Currants
1/4 lb. Citron
1 Qt. Sugar
1/2 pt. Molasses
3 pts. Cider
2 Tbsp. Salt
4 Tbsp. Cinnamon
1 Tbsp. Allspice
1 Tbsp. Mace
1 tsp. Cloves
4 Nutmegs (grated)
4 Lemons
Put the Beef in a small stewpan
and cover with boiling Water.
Cook 3 hours,
having the Water only bubble at one side of the stewpan.
Take from the fire and let the Meat cool in the Water,
with the cover off the pan.
When cold, remove fat and gristle,
then chop the Meat rather fine.
Put it in a large bowl with all the other ingredients,
except for the Cider.
Mix thoroughly.
Now add the Cider,
and let the mixture stand in a cold place overnight.
In the morning,
turn the Mince Meat into a porcelain kettle and heat slowly
to the boiling point;
then simmer gently for 1 hour.
Put the mixture into stone jars and set away in a cold place;
or it may be put in glass jars and sealed.
It will keep for years in this way.
When the pies are being made,
1 tumbler Jelly or Marmalade to 3 or 4 Pies
will be found a great improvement.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Mince Meat No.2

Found in a
Cook Book
3 lbs. cold, boiled lean Beef
6 lbs. Sour Apples
3 lbs. Raisins
2 lbs. English Currants
1/2 lb. Suet

1/2 lb. Citron
2 Tbsp. Butter
2 lbs. Sugar
1 pint Cider Vinegar
1 pint New Orleans Molasses
1 tsp. Ground Cloves
1 tsp. Cinnamon
1 tsp. Mace
1 tsp. Nutmeg
2 Tbsp. Salt
Mince the Meat fine, chop the Apples,
stone and partially chop the Raisins,
wash and dry the Currants,
cut the Citron in fine pieces,
chop the Suet and melt the Butter.
Mix all together thoroughly,
put in a porcelain kettle
and scald.
If the Mince Meat is too dry,
add a little warm Water when you use it.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Mince Meat No. 1

From a
1911 Cook book
2 lbs. lean Beef
1 lb. Beef Suet (finely chopped)
4 lbs. tart Apples (peeled, cored and chopped)
3 lbs. Sugar
3 lb. Currants
2 lbs. Raisins
1 grated Nutmeg
1/2 tsp. ground Mace
grated Rind of 2 Oranges
grated Rind of 1 Lemon
1/2 lb. Citron (chopped)
1 Tbsp. Salt
Juice of 2 Lemons
1/2 pt. Sherry
1 wineglass, {= 1/4 cup) Brandy
Stew gently, the lean Beef in a very little Water
until quite tender, let it get cold and then
chop as fine as possible.
Add Beef Suet, tart Apples, Sugar, Currants,
Raisins, grated Nutmeg, ground Mace,
grated Rind of Oranges and Lemon, Citron,
Salt, lemon Juice, Sherry, and Brandy.
Mix thoroughly and pack in a stone jar.
The Mince Meat should be thoroughly stirred
each time any is taken out,
and occasionally moistened with
a little Sherry or Orange juice.

Mince Meat No. 3

From a
1925 Cook book
2 pounds Beef
1/2 pound Suet
3 pounds Apples
1 pound Raisins
2 Oranges, Juice and Rind
1 Tbsp. Cinnamon
1 Tbsp. Cloves
1 Tbsp. Allspice
1 Tbsp. Salt
1 Pound Currants
3 c. Sugar
1 pint Molasses
1 pint Pickle Syrup
Some Vinegar
Cook Raisins, Sugar, Molasses with Suet.
Enough Vinegar to suit taste.
Put meat and Apples in last,
and do not cook long.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Fried, left-over Cornmeal Mush

From a
cook book



Fill molds with Cornmeal Mush packed tightly and let stand until cold and firm,
slice and brown in Fat.
Serve with Syrup.

Cornmeal Mush is very good for this.


1. Cheese sauce, Tomato sauce, or Creamed Fish,
Meat or Eggs may be served on slices of fried Mush.

2. Mix left-over Mush with Cheese,
finely-chopped Meat or Fish,
slightly beaten Egg,
and Seasonings;
shape into cakes and brown in Fat,
and serve with a Sauce.

3. Mix Mush with Salt and Pepper,
shape into cakes,
brush over with melted Fat,
place a small Hamburger Steak on top.
Bake in a moderately hot oven until nicely browned.

4. Mix Cereal Mush with Fruit,
mold and chill.
Serve with Cream or a Fruit Sauce as a dessert.

5. Arrange Cereal Mush in layers with sweetened Fruit
in a well-greased baking dish.

Bake until nicely browned on top.

Serve with Fruit Sauce or Cream as a Dessert.

6. Add Cereal Mush to Yeast Bread mixtures or
Quick Bread mixtures,
several recipes of which will be found.

7. Add Cereal Mush to Meat loaf mixtures
in place of Bread Crumbs,
or both may be added.

8. Add Cereal Mush to Croquette mixtures.