Thursday, September 25, 2008

Tomato Soy Catsup

( an old Southern recipe)
Take 1 bushel of ripe Tomatoes;
cut them in slices and skin.
Sprinkle the bottom of a large tub with Salt,
put in a layer of Tomatoes, more Salt and Tomatoes.
Repeat, until all are in the tub.
Cover the top with sliced Onions.
Let stand 3 days.
Then put into a large kettle,
and boil slowly for 8 hours; stir occasionally,
to prevent the Tomatoes from sticking.
Take off the fire and let set to cool over night.
Press through a coarse wire sieve, and add
1 oz. of Ground Cloves
2 oz. of Allspice
2 oz. of Black Pepper
2 oz. of Ground Mace, & Cinnamon mixed.
Let boil slowly for 4 hours.
Let cool, put into glass jars, and seal.
This Soy is excellent for seasoning
Sauces and Gravies.

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