Saturday, October 31, 2009

Brick Blanc Mange

From a
cook book
Take 1 Qt. of Milk and let it come to boiling point;
add 4 Tbsp. Corn Starch made into thick Paste with Milk;
boil about 3 minutes,
then add 1 c. Sugar,
and the Whites of 4 Eggs well beaten;
let cook until it drops from a spoon like Jelly;
then divide into 3 equal parts;
to one part, stir in over fire 2 Tbsp.Chocolate;
to the other add 3 drops of Fruit Coloring,
leaving the other part white;
flavor to taste;
take a square mold;
wet with Cold Water;
spread Chocolate first,
then pink,
then white;
serve with Whipped Cream.

Corn Muffins with Dates

From a
cook book
Mix and sift
1 c. Cornmeal,
1 c. White Flour,
1/2 tsp. Salt,
2 Tbsp. Baking Powder,
1 Tbsp. Brown Sugar.
Add 1 well - beaten Egg,
1 c. sweet Milk,
2 Tbsp. melted Butter.
Mix and add 1/2 c. chopped Dates.
Bake in a hot oven.

Choice Mince Meat Pie

From an
cook book
The following is a very choice recipe for
"Pie Meat,"
which should be prepared a month or more before using:

Chop fine
2 lbs. raw lean Beef
and 2 lbs. Suet.
Mix with them thoroughly
4 ounces of Salt,
1 1/2 ounces of a mixture of
Cinnamon, Cloves, and Allspice,
1/2 ounce of White Pepper,
and 2 Nutmegs.
Chop and add 4 lbs. decidedly sour Apples,
2 lbs. of Currants,
2 lbs. of chopped raisins,
2 lbs. of Citron,
and sufficient Lemon Juice to flavor,
1 Qt. of Brandy,
and 1 Qt. of Cider.
Sweeten with
1 Qt. of good Molasses,
and 2 lbs. of Brown Sugar.
In the mixed Spices, let the Cinnamon predominate.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Crab-Apple Jelly

From an
cook book
Put the Apples in a pan and mash them well;
then let them simmer in a preserving kettle 20 minutes;
strain through a Jelly bag,
and to 1 pint of Juice allow 1 lb. of Sugar;
let it boil 10 minutes,
then pour into jars.
Place in a dark, dry place.

Piazza Punch

From a
cook book
Juice of 2 Lemons
Juice of 1 Orange
1 c. Sugar
2 c. Grape Juice
2 c. Water
Mix together the Juice of the Lemons and Orange,
add Sugar, Grape Juice, and Water.
Place a small cake of ice in the bottom of a Punch bowl,
or in a tall glass pitcher,
then pour in the Liquid.

Creamed Frankforts (German recipe)

From a
cook book
- - - - - - - -
1 1/2 Tbsp. Butter
1 1/2 Tbsp. Flour
1 c. Milk
some Salt
some Pepper
4 Frankfort Sausages

Make a Cream Sauce of Butter, Flour, and Milk.
Season with Salt & Pepper.
Skin Frankfort Sausages,
cut into 1 inch long pieces,
bring to a boiling point in the Sauce.
_ _ _ _

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Canned Rhubarb

From a
cook book
Remove the skin from the Rhubarb,
and cut the plant into 1 inch lengths.
Pack it closely in glass jars,
fill the jars to overflowing with cold water
and screw the top on tightly.
Invert the jar to disclose any leak.
If the jar is perfect,
this canning, simple as it is,
will be successful;
if the jar is not air-tight,
it will not be.
This Vegetable is delicious for Pies in the winter.
No cooking is required for the preservation of the plant.

Lena's Brown Bread

From an
cook book
This Brown Bread,
which is the best our cook has ever heard of,
is made of 1 Qt. of Meal and 1 Qt. of Liquid.
The Qt. of meal is composed of
2/3 Rye Meal & 1/3 Corn Meal.
The Qt. of Liquid is
1 c. of Molasses,
and the remainder of the Qt. Milk.
Mix all together with
1 Egg, 1 tsp. Salt,
and 1 tsp. of Baking Soda dissolved in a little of the Milk.
Boil 4 hours.

Gelatine Sauce

From a
cook book
1 Tbsp. Gelatine and soak in 1 gill (1/2 c.) of Water one hour,
beat the Yolks of 3 Eggs, with 4 Tbsp. of Sugar,
stir into 1 pt. of hot Cream;
cook one minute,
add the Gelatine,
and when cool flavor to taste.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Coffee Jelly

From an
cook book
Soak 1/2 box of Gelatine in 1 pt. of water,
for an hour, or until soft;
pour off the water,
and dissolved in 1/2 pt. boiling water,
add 1 pt. of clear boiling Coffee
of strength desired,
and 1/2 c. Sugar.
Place on the ice until cold.
Serve cut in squares,
in a glass dish,
surrounded with Whipped Cream,
or serve the Cream in a separate dish.
The Cream should be sweetened,
and flavored with 1/2 tsp. Vanilla.

Ham Loaf ( French Recipe )

From a
cook book
- - - - - - - - -
1/4 lb. lean Ham
2 Tbsp. Flour
2 c. Milk
1/4 lb. grated Cheese
3 Eggs
some Salt
some Pepper
Cook the Ham and chop it fine.
Mix the Flour with the Milk
and cook for a few minutes;
then add the Ham, Cheese,
the Egg Yolks slightly beaten,
and the stiffly beaten Egg Whites.
Season with Salt & Pepper,
pour into a mold,
set the mold in a pan of hot water,
Bake in a moderate oven (375 F.)
until firm,
(about 20 to 30 minutes).
Serve with garnish of Orange Slices,
with Pear halves filled with Mint Jelly
and topped with Cherries.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Stewed Onions

From a
cook book
Cut the Onions in slices
and boil in Salted Water for 10 minutes.
add 2 Tbsp. Butter,
1 tsp. Salt,
1/4 tsp. Pepper.
Cover the stewpan,
and cook over a hot fire for 5 minutes,
shaking the pan occasionally.
Set it back where it will cook slowly
for 40 minutes.

Fried Turnips ( Rutabagas )

From a
cook book
Peel, and cut in inch cubes,
boil until tender,
fry in Butter until golden brown
on both sides.

Creamed Eggs

From an
cook book
Make a Cream
1 Tbsp. of Flour
mixed smoothly with
1 Tbsp. of Butter;
stir it into
1 c. of boiling Milk;
stir into this
4 or 5 hard boiled Eggs, chopped, not too fine,
season with Salt & Pepper
and finely chopped Parsley.
Serve with a garnish of circles and diamonds of Toast.
Other flavors may be given to this dish by the addition of
or Anchovy.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Chili Sauce

From a
cook book
18 ripe Tomatoes
3 Onions
1/2 c. Sugar
1 tsp. each of all different kinds of Spices, {your choice
2 Tbsp. Salt
2 c. Vinegar
1 Green Pepper, {chopped
Slice the Tomatoes,
add all other ingredients
and cook for 2 hours.
Can and seal while still hot.

Wiener Schnitzel (German recipe)

From a
cook book
2 lbs. Veal Steak
1 Egg
2 Tbsp. Butter
1 Tbsp. Lard
1/2 tsp. Capers
6 Anchovies
Cut the Veal in slices 1/2 inch thick,
and 3 inches square;
pare the corners round;
beat lightly to flatten;
season with Salt,
and dust with Flour;
dip each cutlet in Egg,
cover with fine Crumbs,
and pat smooth with a knife.
15 minutes before serving,
place a pan
with the Butter and Lard over the fire;
as soon as hot, put in the Cutlets,
fry light brown.
Arrange on a warm dish;
lay in the center of each Schnitzel, 1/2 tsp. Capers.
Soak the Anchovies in cold water; remove the skin & bones;
divide in halves, roll them up;
place 2 of these rolls on each Schnitzel
with 1/4 Lemon cut in two.
Garnish with Water Cress or Parsley,
and serve.

Eggs Baked in Green Peppers

From a
cook book
Cut off the stems of Green Peppers,
scoop out the seeds and ribs,
and parboil until tender.
Break an Egg into each one.
Set them in a baking pan with
1/2 c. boiling water poured around.
In 15 minutes the Eggs should be firm.
Set each one on a slice of buttered toast,
and if you wish,
pour White Sauce, or Tomato sauce about them.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Eggs with Maple Syrup

From an
cook book
The French people have a way of
cooking Eggs with Maple Syrup:

Pour your Syrup into the frying pan and heat it hot;
then drop an Egg into it and cook it exactly the same
as you would if dropping it in water.
A dish of Eggs cooked in this way for dessert
not only tastes good, but looks tempting.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ox Eyes

From an
cook book
(Don't let the name fool you)
Cut slices of Bread into rounds
with a large cutter,
then cut out the centre.
Toast them an even golden brown.
Butter a round, shallow baking dish,
or large pie plate.
Put the rings of Toast on the plate,
break Eggs carefully and pour
one into each cavity in the Toast.
Sprinkle with Salt and Pepper,
Pour a little Cream in between the Toasts,
and set in the oven until the Egg White is firm.
If the oven is very hot on the bottom,
set the dish over hot water,
so that the Egg may not be overcooked.

Wine Whey

From a
cook book
One pint of Sweet Milk,
Sugar to taste,
add a little Cinnamon.
Stir in 2 Tbsp. of Claret Wine.
This will thicken the Milk,
and in about half an hour makes a cooling food.

Orange Whey

From a
cook book
The Juice of one Orange
to one pint of sweet Milk,
heat slowly until Curds form,
strain and cool before using.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Deviled Eggs

From a
cook book
Boil fresh Eggs for 20 minutes, until hard,
carefully remove shells,
cut Eggs into halves lengthwise,
remove Yolks and mash very fine.
Season with melted Butter,
Pepper, Salt, Sugar,
and a little Vinegar or prepared Salad Dressing
may be used, if preferred.
Stuff the Eggs,
and in the center of each put a stuffed Olive.

Hot Water Bath

From a
cook book
Time Table For
Hot Water Bath
PRODUCT ...............
Quarts (glass jars) Pints ............... No. 3 (cans) No. 2
...Apples................... 15 min. ............15 min. .......... 10 ............... 10
...Berries.................. 15...................15 ............... 15................ 15
..... Precooked............ 12.................. 10 ............... 10.................. 8
...Cherries................. 25.................. 20 ............... 20................ 15
...Peaches.................. 20.................. 15 ............... 15................ 10
...Pears..................... 25.................. 20 ............... 20................ 15
...Plums.................... 15................... 15 .............. 15................. 15
...Rhubarb................. 10.................... 8
...Tomatoes................ 45................... 40 .............. 40................. 35
...Tomato Juice............. 5.................... 5 ............... 5.................. 5

Tomato Preserve

From an
cook book
Slice Green Tomatoes and allow
3/4 lb. of Sugar to 1 lb. of Tomatoes,
and 1 Lemon to 3 lbs. of Tomatoes.
Cut the Lemon in slices,
and put between layers of Tomatoes.
Add a little Ginger Root.
Cook until thick.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Sally Lunn

From an
cook book
1 1/2 Qts. (6 c.) Flour
2 Tbsp. melted Butter
1 pt. warm Milk
3 beaten Eggs
1 tsp. Salt
1/2 c. Yeast
Mix together well,
put in a Buttered pan,
cover and set to rise;
when light,
bake in a moderate oven.

Turnip - Tops

From a
cook book
Wash in several waters.
The more water they are boiled in,
the better they will look.
if boiled in little water, they will be bitter.
When the water boils,
put in a small handful of Salt,
and then the Tops.
If fresh and young,
they will be done in about 20 minutes.
Drain on the back of a sieve,
and serve in a covered vegetable - dish,
garnished with Poached Eggs.

Stewed Potatoes

From a
cook book
- - - - - - - - -
Peel and slice the Potatoes.
Put the slices into a saucepan,
cover with boiling water,
and let boil until tender.
Pour off the Water.
Roll a large piece of Butter in Flour,
and heat it in 1/2 pint of hot Milk until smooth.
Season with Pepper and Salt, and boil.
When boiling, put in the Potatoes,
stew together for five minutes,
and serve very hot.

Ham Saute`, with Dandelion Pure`e

From a
cook book
Trim 1 1/2 lbs. of Ham and cut into pieces
a quarter of an inch thick.
Put into a saucepan with sufficient cold Water and cover.
Let all come to a boil,
after simmering for 15 minutes,
remove the Ham and drain well.
Put in an earthen crock, 1 Tbsp. of Butter,
and stand same over fire.
When hot, add the Ham,
and cook gently for six minutes.
Add a slight sprinkling of Pepper,
but no Salt.
To Prepare the Dandelion Pure`e.
Cut a little of each Root to freshen it,
and pull off the larger leaves.
Put them into a bowl with cold Water.
Examine heart, and cut out every
suggestion of bud that may be found.
Put the Hearts into a separate bowl of fresh Water.
Wash the large leaves in several waters,
then cook them for 30 minutes in plenty of boiling water,
which has been Salted to taste.
Drain them.
Plunge them into cold water,
and next drain and press out all the moisture.
Chop very fine and pass them through a colander.
Put into a saucepan 1 Tbsp. of Butter.
When melted, add the cooked Dandelion.
Sprinkle over these,
1 tsp. of Flour.
Mix well, and add 1 gill (1/2 cup) of Broth or Milk,
cook for 8 minutes, stirring meanwhile.
Season with a little Pepper, but use no Salt.
Remove from the fire,
add another Tablespoon of fresh Butter, and mix well.
The hearts of Dandelion which have been cooling
and freshening in cold water should now be cleansed,
taken out, and shaken gently in a salad basket
or a clean napkin.
Be careful not to bruise them.
Serve with a French Dressing.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Marble Cake

From a
cook book
7 Egg Whites
3 c. White Sugar
1c. Butter
1 c. Sour Milk
4 c. Flour, {sifted and heaping
1 tsp. Soda
Flavor to suit taste
7 Egg Yolks
3 c. Brown Sugar
1 c. Butter
1 c. Sour Milk
4 c. Flour, {sifted and heaping
1 Tbsp. Cinnamon
1 Tbsp. Allspice
1 Tbsp. Cloves
1 tsp. Soda
Put in pans a layer of white and dark,
that it may be well Marbleized,
use coffee cups to measure;
Bake slowly,
perhaps for
1 hour & 15 minutes,
this will make one large, and 1 medium Cake.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sweet Potato Pie #2

From a
cook book
2 c. boiled Sweet Potatoes
2 Tbsp. Butter
2 Tbsp. Lemon Juice
1 c. Sugar
grated Rind of 1/2 Lemon
1 Tbsp. Ginger
1 Tbsp. Cinnamon
1 tsp. Salt
1/2 grated Nutmeg
2 c. Milk
3 Egg Yolks
3 Egg Whites
Rub Sweet Potatoes through a sieve,
add the Butter, Lemon Juice, Sugar
in which have been mixed the
grated Lemon Rind, Ginger, Cinnamon,
and grated Nutmeg.
Stir well together,
add Milk, and the beaten Yolks of Eggs,
and last, the Whites of Eggs beaten stiff.
Fit the Paste to the pan,
dust with Flour,
fill, and bake.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Du Barry Soup (French recipe)

From a
cook book
1 c. Rice
2 Qts. Chicken Stock
1 c. cold Cauliflower
some White Pepper
some Salt
2 c. Cream

Boil Rice in the Stock,
add Cauliflower pressed through a Potato ricer.
Season with White Pepper and Salt,
add Cream and bring again to a boil.
Serve in Bouillon cups;
garnish with small flowerets of Cauliflower.

Hotchpotch (Scotch recipe)

From a
cook book
2 lbs. lean Beef
2 1/2 Qts. Stock
1 c. Beans, (green)
2 Carrots
2 Onions
2 stalks Celery
2 Turnips
1 small Cauliflower
4 Tbsp. Butter
1 Tbsp. Flour
1 dash Tabasco Sauce
Mince the Beef in chopper,
and place in a stewpan with Stock and Beans.
When these come to a boil,
add chopped Carrots,
Onions, Celery, Turnips, and Cauliflower;
cover, and boil gently for 3 hours.
Melt the Butter and mix it with the Flour;
let it brown, dilute with a little Broth,
and add it to the Stew.
Season with Salt, Pepper,and Tabasco.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Oklahoma Rocks

From a
cook book
2 c. Brown Sugar
1/2 c. Butter
3 Eggs
some Salt
1 lb. Chopped Nuts
1 lb. Raisins
1 tsp. Soda > (in 1/3 c. boiling Water)
1 tsp. Cinnamon
1/2 tsp. Cloves
enough Flour to make stiff
Mix the ingredients as given,
then drop in spoonfuls on a
greased baking pan.
- - - - - - - - - - -

Pumpkin Bread # 2

From an
cook book
2 2/3 c. white Sugar
2/3 c. Vegetable oil
2 c. Pumpkin
3 1/2 c. Flour
2 tsp. Baking Soda
1/2 tsp. Baking Powder
1/2 tsp. Salt
1 tsp. Cinnamon
1/2 tsp. Cloves
1 c. Raisins
1/2 c. Nuts
Mix all the ingredients together.
Bake in greased tube pan or
three 1 lb. Coffee tins,
Greased and Floured.

Bake at 350 for 50 to 60 minutes.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Peach Butter

From a
cook book
Butters are usually made in large quantities, and the proportions
alone are given in the following recipe. At least three times the amount should be made at a time, if a moderate quantity is desired. Butter made of Fruits or Vegetables
is a piquant addition to the dinner, when a Roast is served.
4 lbs. Peaches
1 Lemon
1 lb. Sugar
Pare, stone, and weigh the Fruit,
allowing Sugar as above.
Place the Fruit in the preserving-kettle
and heat very slowly, adding no Water.
When it is quite soft,
pass the Peaches through a fine sieve,
return the pulp to the fire,
then add the Sugar,
and boil twenty minutes.
Just before taking from the fire,
add the Lemon Juice.
Put up the same as Jelly.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Rye Drop Cakes

From an
cook book
3 c. sour Milk,
1/2 c. Molasses,
1 heaping tsp. Soda,
and a little Salt;
add Meal enough to make a very thick batter,
drop into hot iron gem pans.

Cooking Sauer Kraut (suggestion)

From a
cook book
Cook the Sauer Kraut in boiling Water one hour.
This may then be fried in Butter or Ham Gravy,
or the Kraut may be boiled with a piece of Salt Pork.


Potato Puff

From a
cook book
Use 3 pints of cold Mashed Potatoes,
season well with Butter, Pepper and Salt;
add 2 Eggs and 1/2 cup Milk;
beat until very light;
Bake in a baking dish for 30 minutes,
serve at once.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Coffee Drops

From an
cook book
Put as much refined Sugar as you wish
to make up at one time,
in an earthen vessel,
and dilute it with
an extra strong infusion of Coffee,
to mix the paste.

If too liquid, the Syrup will be too thin,
and the drops will unite---
if too thick, the Syrup will be too dense,
and will not pour freely.
When the Mixture is mixed in a rather stiff paste,
put it into a saucepan with a spout;
set over a medium fire.
When it begins to bubble up the sides of the saucepan,
stir it once in the middle,
remove from the fire,
and drop in lumps of the shape and size required,
upon sheets of tin;
let them stand for two hours;
put in the stove to get quite dry.
When brilliant and hard,
remove from the fire or they will lose their perfume.
Before taking from the fire, color the Syrup.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Escalloped Shrimps

From a
1 1/2 pts. shelled Shrimps
1 pt. boiling Water
1/2 pt. grated Bread Crumbs
3 Tbsp. Butter
1 tsp. Salt, (be generous)
1/8 tsp. Cayenne
1 tsp. Mustard
1 tsp. Lemon Juice
2 Tbsp. Flour
Put the Butter in a saucepan and beat it to a cream.
Add the Flour and Mustard and beat until light.
Gradually pour the hot Liquid on this.
Place the saucepan on the fire,
stir the contents until they begin to boil.
Now add the Lemon Juice
and 1/2 of the Salt & Pepper;
cook for 6 minutes,
after which stir in the Shrimps.
Turn the mixture into a shallow escallop dish
that will hold about 1 quart;
cover with the grated Bread Crumbs,
and dot with 1/2 tsp. of Butter
broken into little bits.
Bake for 20 minutes in a rather hot oven.

Creamed Salmon

From a
1 Tbsp. Butter
1 Tbsp. Flour
1 c. Milk, or Cream
some Salt
some Pepper
1 can Salmon
2 Eggs, {beaten
Melt the Butter and blend the Flour into it.
Slowly add the Milk which must first be heated.
Stir constantly until boiling point is reached,
and mixture is smooth.
Salt and Pepper to taste.
Into this put the contents of a can of Salmon,
free from bones, skin, and fat.
Heat thoroughly and add the beaten Eggs.
Stir until Eggs are cooked.
Serve at once.
(Add a little Lemon Juice if liked).

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Apple Bread

From a
cook book
1 Qt. Meal
1 pt. ripe, chopped Apples
1 Egg
a small piece of Butter
a little Salt
some fresh Water
To the Meal,
add the
and Salt.
Then add Water enough to form a stiff Dough.
The Apples should, of course,
be peeled and minced very fine.
Some persons like a little Sugar on the dough,
but it is generally preferred without.
This is a favorite with children.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Mulligatawney Soup

From an
cook book
Good Stock, or Mutton Broth,
to the amount of one pint,
is used,
into which cut up a Chicken,
and boil 1/2 hour.
Curry Powder flavors it.
If you desire an Onion flavor besides,
cut up and brown two small Onions in Butter,
and add them.
Simmer all over a slow fire for a little time,
and just before serving
add 1/2 cup of Cream.
If Coconuts are in season,
you may use Coconut Milk with Lemon Juice,
instead of Cream.

Eggs with Tomato Sauce

From a
cook book
Poach six Eggs,
put each one on a slice of Buttered Toast,
have 1/2 cup of boiling hot Tomato Sauce,
turn around Eggs and serve.
= = = = = =

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Orange Fool #2

From a
cook book
6 Oranges
3 Eggs
2 c. Cream
some Sugar
some Nutmeg
some Cinnamon
Squeeze and strain the juice from the Oranges.
Beat the Eggs and add to them
the Cream and the Orange-juice.
Sweeten to taste.
Add a sprinkle of grated Nutmeg
and powdered Cinnamon.
Cook in a double boiler,
stirring constantly until the mixture coats the spoon.
Pour into glass dishes and chill thoroughly before serving.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Monday, October 12, 2009

Johnny Cake (New England)

From a
cook book
1 pint of coarse Indian Meal
in sufficient boiling Water,
with Salt to taste,
to make a stiff batter.
Add a little Milk to thin
Bake on a greased griddle.

Johnny Cake (Southern)

From a
cook book
Equal proportions of
fine Hominy,
and Rice Flour.
The two former must be boiled and cold
before the Rice Flour is added.
Mix all with Milk;
then spread on a board,
and bake it before the fire.
Split open and Butter for the table.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Dandelion Greens

From a
cook book
Dandelions are not fit to eat after they blossom,
as they then become bitter and stringy.
Cut off the roots,
pick the greens over carefully,
and wash them well in several Waters.
Place them in a kettle,
cover with boiling, Salted Water,
and boil slowly for one hour.
When done, lift them into a colander,
press them to drain out all the Water,
and chop coarsely;
then add
1 Tbsp. Butter
some Salt & Pepper to taste,
and serve.
DDandelions are sometimes boiled with
Corned Beef or Ham
the same as Cabbage.

Beef Tea

From an
cook book
Beef to be used for Beef Tea
should be cut fine or chopped,
and then soaked in cold Water for two hours,
if the time can be spared,
and placed upon the fire in the same Water.
After thorough boiling it should be strained,
all the Fat carefully removed,
and a little Salt added.
Allow 1 pint of Water to
every pound of Meat.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Potato Rolls

From a
cook book
To 6 mashed Potatoes,
add Salt & Pepper,
and 3 well-beaten Eggs.
Moisten with a little Milk.
Make into little Rolls
and cover with Flour.
Fry in hot Fat.

Escalloped Tomatoes

From an
cook book
Over the bottom of a deep Buttered dish
scatter a layer of Bread Crumbs,
then lay on a few slices of Tomatoes,
a little Hard Boiled Egg chopped fine,
some Pepper & Salt,
a few drops of Lemon,
and small pieces of Butter,
fill the dish in this way,
finishing with Bread Crumbs.
Bake for 15 minutes,
and garnish, when served, with Cress, if available.
Allow to 1 lb. of Tomatoes,
2 Hard Boiled Eggs,
1/4 lb. of Butter,
and the juice of 1 Lemon.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Sweet Yeast Rolls

An old
1 c. scalded Milk
2 Tbsp. Sugar
1/2 tsp. Salt
1/4 c. Lard
1 Yeast Cake
1/4 c. warm Water
3/4 c. Bread Flour

Scald Milk and add it to the
Sugar, Salt, and Lard.
Cool until luke warm.
Add the Yeast,
which has been softened in 1/4 c. of luke warm Water.
Add a sufficient amount of Flour
to enable handling as a Dough.
Knead thoroughly,
allow Dough to rise until double.
Knead and allow to double in bulk again.
Then knead lightly and roll Dough into
a sheet 1/2 inch thick.
Spread with melted Butter and
sprinkle with Cinnamon and Sugar.
Roll like Jelly Roll and cut into 1 inch slices.
Place on greased baking pan and
allow to rise until light.
Bake at 400 for about 20 minutes.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Dried Beef Frizzled in Cream

From an
cook book
- - - - - - - - -
Chip the Beef as thin as paper with a very sharp knife.
Melt in a frying-pan Butter the size of an Egg,
stir the Beef about in it for 2 or 3 minutes,
dust in a little Flour,
add 1/2 a teacupful = (1/4 cup)
of rich Cream,
boil, and serve in a covered dish.
. This may also be served over Toast.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Cinnamon Rolls

From a
cook book
3 c. Sponge
2 Eggs
1 c. Sweet Milk
1 c. Sugar
1 c. Lard
some Brown Sugar
some Cinnamon
Mix well, roll out,
sprinkle with Brown Sugar and Cinnamon.
Roll this like a jellyroll and slice off in 3/4 inch slices.
Place these in a well greased pan
and when light,
bake in moderate oven 20 to 30 minutes.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Cream of Potato Soup # 2

From a
cook book
Pare 3 Potatoes of medium size,
cut in quarters,
drop them into enough Salted Water to cover,
and cook quickly.
While they are boiling,
place one pint of Milk in a double boiler
with 1 whole Onion,
and have the Milk well heated
by the time the Potatoes are done.
Drain the latter when cooled,
mash them fine,
and slowly add the hot Milk,
from which the Onion has been removed.
Season with
1 saltspoon of Celery Salt,
1 saltspoon of Salt and White Pepper or Paprika,
add 1 Tbsp. of Butter and
1 Tbsp. of Flour dissolved in a little Milk.
Cook the Soup for 5 minutes,
pour it through a soup strainer,
return to the fire to heat,but not to boil,
then serve.
This Soup may be made very rich by
first placing 2 thoroughly beaten Eggs in the tureen
and pouring the hot Liquid over them,
stirring very rapidly meanwhile.