Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sweet Potato Pudding

From a
cook book
To a Large Sweet Potato,
weighing 2 lbs.
1/2 c. Sugar,
1/2 lb. Butter,
1 gill (= 1/2 c.) Sweet Cream,
1 gill (= 1/2 c.) Strong Wine or Brandy,
1 grated Nutmeg,
and a little Lemon-Peel,
and 4 Eggs.
Boil the Sweet Potato until thoroughly done,
then mash it up fine,
and while hot
add the Sugar,
and Butter.
Set aside to cool
while you beat the Eggs light,
and add the Seasoning last.
Line tin plates with Puff Paste
and pour in the Mixture.
Bake in a moderate,
but regularly heated oven.
When the Puddings are drawn from the fire,
cover the top with thinly sliced bits of preserved Citron,
or Quince marmalade.
Strew the top thickly with
Granulated White Sugar and serve,
with the addition of a glass of Rich Milk
for each person at the table.
~~~= = = = =~~~

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