Sunday, January 31, 2010

Queen of Puddings

From a
cook book
3/4 lb. Suet
chopped and mixed with
1 Tbsp. Flour,
3/4 lb. Raisins,
3/4 lb. Currants,
3/4 lb. Sugar,
3/4 lb. Fresh Bread-Crumbs,
grated Rind of 1 Lemon,
1/4 lb. Candied Orange-Peel and Citron,
1/2 tsp. ground Cinnamon,
1/2 tsp. Cloves,
1/2 tsp. Nutmeg,
and 1/2 tsp. Allspice.
Mix the Materials together,
and add
6 Eggs,
and 1/2 c. Brandy.
Wet a strong cloth
and dredge it with Flour,
and a little Butter;
turn the Mixture into it
and draw the cloth into a bag,
leaving enough room for the Pudding
to swell a little.
Put it into a pot of boiling water
and let it boil from 4 to 5 hours,
then turn carefully into a dish.

Escalloped Oysters

From a
cook book
1 Qt. Oysters
1 c. Cracker Crumbs
1 pt. Sauce
1/2 c. Celery, (chopped)
For the Sauce;
.....Melt 1 tsp. Butter,
stir into it
1 Tbsp. Flour;
1/2 pt. Milk
1/2 pt. Oyster Liquor;
Put a layer of Oysters in the bottom of a dish;
season with
Salt & Pepper,
and a little of the Celery;
sprinkle over a little of the Cracker Crumbs;
then pour over the Sauce;
continue in this way till Materials are gone;
sprinkle a thick layer of Crumbs on the top.
Bake for 15 minutes.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Cinnamon Flop

From a
cook book
1 c. Sugar
1 scant c. milk
2 Tbsp. Butter
2 1/2 c. Flour
3 tsp. Baking Powder
Cream Butter,
add Sugar,
1/2 of the Milk,
1/2 of the Flour sifted,
then the remainder of each,
then Salt,
and Baking Powder.
Mix well.
Bake in a moderate oven,
in a pan for a Sheet Cake.
When partly cold...
spread top with the following Icing:
1 c. Sugar
3/4 c. Butter
Cinnamon to taste
Cream the Butter,
add Sugar and Cinnamon.

Mushroom Pickles

From a
cook book
Select small Button Mushrooms,
remove the stems,
rub off the skins with a piece of
flannel cloth moistened in Salt Water
and throw them into week brine
of about 1 cup of Salt to 1 gallon of Water.
Let stand 3 or 4 hours.
Pour them out on a cloth strainer to drain and dry.
after cleaning them with Salt and Water,
put them over a slow fire until the Juice
from them has dissolved the Salt.
Then pour them out to drain on a cloth strainer.
Pack in suitable jars or bottles
and cover with spiced Pickling Liquid,
scalding hot,
place the Mushrooms in the Spiced Liquid
and boil for 10 minutes.
Pack in bottles,
cover with the scalding Liquid.
Let stand until cold,
and seal.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Meringued Coffee

From a
cook book
Make Coffee after any approved formula.
Put Sugar and scalding Milk
in each cup and add the Coffee.
Have a Meringue made
by mixing the White of an Egg,
well beaten,
with 1/2 pt. of Whipped Cream.
Lay a heaping spoonful on the top
of each cup before serving.
Whipped Cream__
1 Qt. of *Milk
set in a cool place for 24 hours
will yield Cream sufficient,
when well beaten,
to furnish 10 cups of Strong Coffee.
*Most likely farm Milk.

Egg Dumplings

From a
cook book
1 tsp. Salt
1/2 c. Milk
1 Egg
1 1/2 c. Sifted Flour

Add Salt and Milk to beaten Egg
and stir into Flour
to form a smooth Batter.
Drop by tsp. into boiling Salted Water,
boiling Soup Broth,
cover tightly
and cook 15 minutes,
being careful not to lift the lid
during this time.
If not in Soup,
drain in colander.
These may be served with
hot Fat poured over them,
with Meat Gravy,
in a Soup or Stew.
Makes 8 Dumplings.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sugar pies ..... Southern Style

From a
cook book
3 c. Light Brown Sugar
1/2 c. Melted Butter
1/2 c. Cream
3 Eggs
Mix ingredients well.
Season with Lemon
and bake in Pastry
without a top Crust.
Use low flame.

Red Pepper Catsup # 2

From an
cook book
50 pods of large Red Peppers,
with the seeds.
Add 1 pt. of Vinegar,
and boil until the Pulp will mash through a sieve.
Add to the Pulp
a second pint of Vinegar,
2 spoonsful of Sugar,
2 of Cloves,
2 of Mace,
2 of Spice,
2 of Onions,
and 2 of Salt.
Put all in a Kettle
and boil to a proper consistency.

Spanish Mustard

From a
cook book
3 tsp. Dry Mustard
3 tsp. Dry Chili Powder
1 tsp. Sugar
1/2 tsp. Salt
1 Tbsp. Vinegar
1 Tbsp. Olive oil
1 Egg Yolk
Mix until smooth
and cook over hot water until smooth.
Good for Sandwiches.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ripe Tomato Pie

From a
cook book
Line a pie-plate with nice Crust.
Peel and slice sufficient Tomatoes,
(half ripe ones are really better),
to fill the Pie Crust.
Sprinkle over the top 1/2 c. Sugar,
1 tsp. Flour,
Butter, (the size of a Walnut),
cut this in bits,
and flavor with Lemon.
Cover with an upper Crust.

Mayonnaise Dressing

From a
cook book
2 Egg Yolks
1/2 c. Sugar, (scant)
1 1/2 Tbsp. Flour
1 tsp. Mustard, (dry)
1/2 c. Lemon Juice, or Vinegar
1/2 c. Water
Mix the Sugar, Flour, and Dry Mustard.
Add the well beaten Eggs;
then the Water,
and Lemon Juice, or Vinegar.
Cook Well in a double boiler.
If too thick,
thin with Sour Cream,
Whipped Cream.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pickled Peppers

From a
cook book
Soak fresh Bell Peppers,
either green or red,
in strong Brine for a week or two,
changing every 2 or 3 days.
Pack in suitable jars
and cover with cold Vinegar.
The seeds tend to make the Peppers very strong,
and may be removed if less strength is desired.
A few Peppers added to Pickled Cucumbers
improves them very much,
as the heat of the Peppers is taken out by the Vinegar
and becomes blended with the Cucumbers,
giving them an agreeable flavor.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Liver Dumplings

From a
19 46
cook book
1/2 lb. Liver
1/2 Onion
1 Tbsp. Minced Parsley
1/2 tsp. Salt
1 dash Pepper
2 slices Bread
1 Egg
1/4 c. Flour
3 c. Meat Broth
Wash Liver
and force through a food chopper with Onion.
Add Parsley,
Salt & Pepper.
Crumble Bread into Mixture
and add unbeaten Egg,
and Flour.
Beat until thoroughly mixed.
Drop by tsp. into boiling Broth,
cover and cook 25 minutes.
Serve in Broth.
Serves 2 or 3

Pinwheel Cookies

From a
cook book
1/2 c. Butter
1/2 c. Sugar
1 Egg Yolk
3 Tbsp. Milk
1 1/2 c. Flour
1 1/2 tsp. Baking Powder
1/2 tsp. Vanilla
1 oz. Chocolate, {melted
Cream Butter,
add gradually the Sugar,
add Egg Yolk,
and beat the Mixture well.
Add the Milk;
add the Flour
which has been sifted with the
Baking Powder,
and Salt.
Add Vanilla .
Divide the Dough into halves.
To 1/2 of this Mixture
add Melted Chocolate.
Roll the White Dough into a thin rectangular sheet,
then roll the Chocolate Mixture
into a sheet the same size.
Place the White Dough over the Chocolate Dough
and gently press together.
Roll up as for a jelly roll
into a tight roll about 2 inches in diameter.
Set in ice-box for several hours to become firm.
Cut into 1/4 inch (thin) slices
with a sharp knife
and lay, cut side down, on a greased cookie sheet.
Bake in a moderate oven at 375 F.
for about 8 to 10 minutes.
Makes 4 dozen cookies.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Orange Honey Sandwich

From a
cook book
1/4 c. Sugar
1/4 c. Water
1/4 c. Orange Juice
Boil until it spins a thread.
Add 1/2 c. Orange peel chopped,
and 1/2 tsp. Vanilla.
Bring to a boiling point
and let cool.
Spread evenly on a Buttered slice of Bread.

Baked Mushrooms

From a
cook book
Peel the Mushrooms
and cut off the woody stems.
Grease a baking-dish with Butter,
put in the Mushrooms,
their upper sides down,
and bake in a quick oven for 15 minutes,
basting twice with melted Butter.
Take out when done,
season with Salt & Pepper,
pour over the Butter in the dish,
and serve.
o o o o o o o

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Apple Dumplings, Baked

From an
cook book
Make a Crust as for Soda Biscuits,
peel and core your Apples,
cut the Dough in square pieces,
and put 1 Apple for each Dumpling;
put them in a dripping pan,
and place in the oven for 5 minutes,
then make a Syrup with Water and Sugar
(1 c. Sugar to 1 pt. Water),
and pour into the dripping-pan;
baste with the Syrup while they are cooking;
when done
eat with Sweet Cream.
~~~~~^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~~~~~

Sweet Potato Pudding

From a
cook book
To a Large Sweet Potato,
weighing 2 lbs.
1/2 c. Sugar,
1/2 lb. Butter,
1 gill (= 1/2 c.) Sweet Cream,
1 gill (= 1/2 c.) Strong Wine or Brandy,
1 grated Nutmeg,
and a little Lemon-Peel,
and 4 Eggs.
Boil the Sweet Potato until thoroughly done,
then mash it up fine,
and while hot
add the Sugar,
and Butter.
Set aside to cool
while you beat the Eggs light,
and add the Seasoning last.
Line tin plates with Puff Paste
and pour in the Mixture.
Bake in a moderate,
but regularly heated oven.
When the Puddings are drawn from the fire,
cover the top with thinly sliced bits of preserved Citron,
or Quince marmalade.
Strew the top thickly with
Granulated White Sugar and serve,
with the addition of a glass of Rich Milk
for each person at the table.
~~~= = = = =~~~

Friday, January 22, 2010

Blueberry Pie ( home made, from scratch )

From a
cook book
Line a deep plate with Paste
and fill it with Blueberries,
slightly dredged with Flour;
sprinkle with 1/2 c. Sugar,
and 1/8 tsp. Salt;
bake 40 to 45 minutes over low flame.

Cheese Straws

From a
cook book
1 c. Grated American Cheese
1 c. Flour
1 tsp. Baking Powder
1/2 tsp. Salt
1/16 tsp. Cayenne Pepper
1/4 tsp. Paprika
1 Egg
2 Tbsp. Milk
Mix together the
Baking Powder,
Cayenne Pepper,
and Paprika;
add Beaten Egg;
mix well;
add Milk
enough to make a stiff dough.
roll out 1/8 inch thick,
on a Floured board;
cut into strip 5 inches long
and 1/4 inch wide.
Bake in hot oven at 450 F.
for 10 minutes.
Makes 30 Cheese Straws.
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Strawberry Float

From an
cook book
Scald 1 Qt. of Milk
and pour it over the Yolks of 4 Eggs,
and the Whites of 2 Eggs,
which have been beaten with 1/2 c. Sugar.
Pour into a double boiler
and stir over the fire until the Custard thickens;
add a pinch of Salt,
and when partly cooled flavor with Vanilla.
In a glass dish
put a layer of hulled and washed Berries,
pour over them a portion of the Custard,
then add another layer of Berries,
and the remainder of the Custard.
Whip the Whites of the 2 Eggs with
2 Tbsp. of Powdered Sugar until stiff and glossy;
add a few drops of Vanilla
and heap over the Fruit.
Dot the top with a few Berries
and serve.

Raspberry Float
Use Raspberries instead of Strawberries,
and proceed as above.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Feather Dumplings

From a
cook book
2 c. Sifted Flour
1 tsp. Salt
4 tsp. Baking Powder
1/4 tsp. Pepper
1 Egg, {well beaten
3Tbsp. Melted Butter
2/3 c. Milk,{approximately
Sift Dry Ingredients together.
Add Egg,
Melted Butter,
and enough Milk
to make a moist, stiff Batter.
Drop by teaspoons into boiling Liquid.
Cover very closely
and cook for 18 minutes.

Makes 24 Dumplings.

Buns #2

From an
cook book
2 c. Milk
1 c. Sugar
1 c. Yeast
some Flour, {enough to thicken
Mix all together;
let rise over night;
in the morning
add a piece of Butter the size of an egg,
another cup of Sugar,
and 1 cup of Sultana Raisins,
or other Raisins, chopped;
roll out to bake,
cut in rounds,
and let rise again before baking.
() () () () ()

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

English Muffins

From a
cook book
Set late the night before,
for breakfast the next morning,
1 cake of Fleischmann's Yeast,
dissolved in 3/4 c. of Lukewarm Water,
1 1/2 c. of Milk and Water,
1 1/2 Tbsp. Sugar,
1 Egg,
1 1/2 Tbsp. Melted Butter,
1/2 tsp. Salt,
and Flour enough for a Stiff Batter
(about 4 c.).
Mix Butter, Sugar, Salt, Egg, Milk, Yeast, Water, and Flour.
Let rise over night.
In the morning,
drop from a spoon in ungreased Muffin tins
and bake in a moderate oven.
Makes 20.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Potato Dumplings

From a
cook book
9 Medium Potatoes
1 tsp. Salt
3 Eggs, {well beaten
1 c. Sifted Flour
2/3 c. Bread Crumbs, (or Farina)
1/2 tsp. Nutmeg
Boil Potatoes in their jackets until soft,
remove skins,
and press Potatoes through a ricer.
Add Salt,
2/3 c. Bread Crumbs,
and Nutmeg.
Mix thoroughly.
Form Mixture into dry balls
about the size of walnuts
(if Mixture is too moist, add more Bread Crumbs).
Drop balls into boiling Salted Water.
When balls come to the surface,
boil uncovered for 3 minutes.
Remove one ball from liquid and cut open;
if the center is dry,
they are sufficiently cooked.
Remove balls from liquid.
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

Monday, January 18, 2010


From a
cook book
2 c. Sugar
1 Qt. Water
2/3 c. Lemon Juice
Boil the Sugar and Water
for 15 minutes,
then add the Lemon Juice.
Cool and taste it,
if too strong,
add a small piece of Ice
to dilute it.

Iced Coffee with Orange Flavor

From a
cook book
1 Qt. Strong Coffee
2 c. Sugar

Boil the ingredients for 10 minutes.
Allow this to cool,
and add to each cup,
1 Tbsp. of Orange Syrup,
and the same amount of Cream,
partially whipped.
The Orange Syrup may be obtained
at a Drug Store,
made by allowing cut Oranges
to stand in Sugar,
and straining off the Juice.
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Chicken Shortcakes<------> Biscuits & Gravy

From a
cook book
2 c. Flour
3 tsp. Baking Powder
1/2 tsp. Salt
4 Tbsp. Shortening
1 large Egg
1/2 c. Water
Sift together
Baking Powder,
and Salt.
Add Shortening
and mix in thoroughly
with steel fork.
Add Egg,
and sufficient Water
to make a Soft Dough.
Cut with any large Biscuit Cutter
which has been dipped in Flour,
half fill Greased Muffin rings
which have been placed on a baking pan.
Bake in hot oven at 475 F.
for 1o to 12 minutes.
These split and either Buttered or not,
as you desire,
fill with hot Creamed Chicken in White Sauce,
or one of many other varieties of
Creamed Meat,
or Mushrooms.
Makes 6

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Clover Leaf Sandwiches

From a
cook book
St. Patrick's Day

2 Green Peppers
1/2 lb. English Walnut Meats
1 Loaf Sandwich Bread
1/4 lb. Butter
1 pk. Philadelphia Cream Cheese
Remove the center of the Green Pepper.
Chop the Walnuts
and mix with the Cream Cheese.
Fill the Green Peppers
with this Paste of Cream Cheese and Nuts
and cut the Green Peppers crosswise in thick slices.
Cut the Loaf of Bread in thin slices,
Butter the Bread very sparingly
and place a slice of Stuffed Pepper between the Bread.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Jellied Rhubarb (jello)

From a
cook book
1 Qt. diced Rhubarb
2 c. Water
2 c. Sugar
1 Lemon
2 1/2 Tbsp. Granulated Gelatin
Wash the Rhubarb,
dice it,
and place in a baking-dish with
the Sugar and Water.
Bake in a slow oven for about 1 hour,
or until it is tender.
Stir occasionally carefully.
and add to the Juice
the Gelatin soaked in cold Water.
Allow to cool,
then stir in the Juice of the Lemon,
and the Grated Rinds.
Pour into a wet mold,
when set,
serve with Whipped Cream on top.
() () () () ()

Coffee Butter Icing

From a
cook book
2 c. Confectioner's Sugar
4 Tbsp. cold Strong Coffee
2 Tbsp. soft Butter
Mix Sugar and Strong Coffee together
and beat until smooth.
Beat in the soft, but unmelted Butter.
Add more Coffee,
if necessary,
to make Icing a good consistency to spread.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Creamed Cauliflower with Ham

From a
cook book
1 head Cauliflower
2 c. White Sauce
3 Eggs, {well beaten
3/4 c. Cooked Ham, {finely chopped
Trim the Cauliflower,
and boil it in boiling Salted Water
until it is tender;
and rub through a sieve.
Add the Eggs
and 1 c. of the White Sauce
to the Cauliflower,
pour the mixture into a Buttered mold.
Bake until firm.
Turn out on a hot, flat dish,
cover with remainder of the White Sauce,
and sprinkle over with the Ham.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Oyster Stew

From a
cook book
Put 4 Tbsp. Butter into chafing-dish,
or deep saucepan.
Heat and add
1/4 tsp. Paprika,
1 tsp. Salt,
and a dash of Cayenne.
Put in 24 fresh drained Oysters
and cook about 3 minutes.
Add Oyster Liquor
and 2 c. Rich Milk
1/2 Milk and 1/2 thin Cream.
Cook until it boils up once.
Serve immediately.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sauce for Roast Beef

From an
cook book
Grate Horse-Radish on a grater into a basin,
add 2 Tbsp. of Cream,
with a little Mustard and Salt,
mix well together,
add 4 Tbsp. of the Best Vinegar,
and mix the whole thoroughly.
The Vinegar and Cream are both to be cold.

Pyramid Sandwich

From a
cook book
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
7 slices of Sandwich Bread
Strawberry Jam
Cucumber Slices
Chicken Slices
Cream Cheese
Pimento Bits
Tomato Slices
Olives, {chopped
Nuts, {chopped
Slice 7 pieces of Sandwich Bread,
remove Crusts,
cutting each successive slice a little smaller than the last.
Bottom Layer:
On largest slice spread Strawberry Jam.
Next Layer:
Spread with Cheese, and sprinkle chopped Nuts in center.
Place on top first layer and stick together with toothpicks.
Third Layer:
On a bit of Lettuce spread Mayonnaise, then add a slice of Tomato.
Place on top second layer and stick with toothpicks.
Fourth Layer:
On Lettuce spread Mayonnaise, and add a slice of cold Chicken.
Fasten on other layers with toothpicks.
Fifth Layer:
On Lettuce spread Mayonnaise, add a slice of Cucumber.
Fasten with toothpicks.
Sixth Layer:
Spread with Cheese, sprinkle with chopped Olives in center.
Use toothpicks.
Seventh and Top Layer:
Spread with Cheese, Sprinkle Caviar in center, add a bit of Pimento.
Stick firmly with toothpicks.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Christmas Pudding

From an
cook book
a Christmas Special
10 Crackers
1 Qt. Milk
8 Eggs
1 lb. Sugar
1 c. Molasses
1 c. Brandy
1 lb, Suet, {chopped
1 large Tbsp. Salt
1 Tbsp. Nutmeg
1/2 Tbsp. Mace
1 Tbsp. Cloves
1 Lemon Rind, {grated
1/4 lb. Citron
1 lb. Currants
1 1/2 lbs.
Pound the Crackers
and add them to
1 Qt. of Milk.
Mix and let it stand over night.
In the morning
rub through a colander,
add the Eggs,
grated Lemon Rind,
and Raisins.
Mix together well.
Boil for 5 hours.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Making Sausage

From a
cook book
- - - - - -
..... Remove from the Pig's intestines the loose Fat and outer membranes. Turn
them inside out and cleanse them thoroughly in Borax Water. Bleach by letting
them soak for 24 hours or more in Water containing 1 oz. of Chloride of
Lime to the Gallon.
Rinse thoroughly in Clear Soft Water and scrape or tear
off a part of the inner lining until they are as thin as may be without tearing or
puncturing them. Finally, wash them thoroughly several times in Warm Water.


.....For 10 lbs. of Ground Sausage Meat, use 4 oz. of Salt, 1/2 oz. of Pepper, and
3/4 oz. of Sage.
.....Or for the same quantity, 5 Tbsp. of Sage, 4 Tbsp. of Salt, and 2 Tbsp. of Pepper.
.....Or for each lb. of Meat, 1 heaping tsp. of Salt, 1 heaping tsp. of Pepper, and
1 heaping tsp. of Sage, with the addition to each 3 lbs. of Meat, if desired, 1 tsp. of
Allspice, 1 tsp, of Ginger, and 1 tsp. of Summer Savory.
Or for over 25 lbs. of Meat, 12 oz. of Salt, 2 oz. of Sage, and 2 oz. of Pepper.
.....Or for 10 lbs. of Meat, 4 oz. of Salt, 1 oz. of Sage, and 1 oz. of Pepper.
.....The trimmings of the Hog's Carcass are ordinarily ground into Sausage Meat,
the proportion of Fat and Lean being varied according to taste. Some prefer
1/3 Fat Meat to 2/3 Lean. Others 1/4 Fat to 3/4 Lean.

.....The so-called Bologna Sausage is a mixture of approximately
equal parts of Pork and Beef or other Meats highly seasoned and
packed in large cases, 3 to 6inches in diameter, obtained from the
intestines of Beeves. The following are recommended mixtures:
.....Grind up together in a sausage machine or Meat cutter...
.....4 lbs. of Beef and 2 lbs. of Pork free from Fat or Gristle, to which
you will add 6 lbs. of fresh Fat Pork cut in thin strips and chopped
on a block by means of a heavy knife or cleaver into pieces about
1/4 of an inch square or less. Then season this quantity with
8 oz. of Salt, 1/8 oz. of Saltpeter, 8 oz. of Coffee Sugar, and
1/2 oz. of bruised Pimento. To exclude the air, the cases must be
packed with as much pressure as they will stand without bursting,
and this may be done by tying them at the bottom and pressing in
the Meat with a round block of wood or pestle, nearly but not quite
large enough to fill the inside of the case. If the Meat is not packed
tightly enough,the Sausage will not keep.
.....Rub the outside of the cases with Salt Butter. Tie them tightly
at both ends and hang up to dry for 3 weeks, then smoke as for
Hams or Bacon.

Or cut into small pieces 1 inch or 2 square...
.....3 lbs. Pork, 1 1/2 lbs. of Beef free from Fat or Gristle, and 1 lb. of clean fresh
Beef Suet. Sprinkle with a mixture of Spices consisting of 3 oz. of Salt, 3 Tbsp. of
Black Pepper, 2 tsp. of Cayenne, 1 tsp. of Cloves, 1 tsp. of Allspice, and a small
Onion chopped fine.
.....If the Meat cutter is coarse, run it through a second time and pack tightly in
cases 4 or 5 inches in diameter. knot both ends and cover with strong Brine for
a week or 10 days. Change the Brine and let stand another week.
.....After which dry and smoke them as for Hams or Bacon. Rub the Cases with
Butter and store them in a cool dark place.

.....Cut in small pieces equal parts of Fat Pork, Lean Pork, Lean Veal,
and Beef Suet. For each 6 lbs. of Meat add the Rind of a Lemon Grated,
a small Nutmeg Grated, 1/2 oz. of Powdered Sage, 2 tsp. of Butter,
4 tsp. of Salt, and 1 tsp. of Summer Savory. Pack in cases or
lay down in jars and cover with Lard.
.....In Summer, when Fresh Pork is not obtainable, Raw Beef may be ground up
with Beef Suet in the proportion of about 1 part of Suet, 2 parts of Lean Beef, and
the whole seasoned with 1 tsp. of pepper, 1 tsp. Salt, 1 tsp. Sage, and 1 tsp. of
Summer Savory ground through the Meat cutter or Sausage grinder, and made
into cakes to be fried, or laid down in earthenware pans under a coating of Lard
until required for use.