Sunday, February 28, 2010

Orange Marshmellow Cream

From a
cook book
1 c. Orange Juice
1 c. Cream
16 Marshmallows
Mix Marshmallows and Orange Juice
in top of double boiler,
stir until Marshmallows have melted,
Chill Cream and whip,
add to chilled Orange Juice and Marshmallows,
freeze until firm,
add a dash of Cinnamon on each serving.

Tomatoes A La Creme

From a
cook book
Peel and slice 4 Tomatoes.
Simmer in their own Juice,
some Butter,
and 1 tsp. Sugar.
This will correct the acidity,
but not make them taste in the least sweet.
Mix 1 Tbsp. Flour,
and 1 c. Cream.
Stir into the Tomatoes a tiny bit of Baking Soda,
then add the Cream.
When thickened pour over slices of Toast,
and serve.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Stuffed Eggs Royal Salad

From a
cook book
Shell 3 hard-cooked Eggs.
Cut in halves cross-wise.
Remove the Yolk
and mix with
4 Tbsp. Chopped Ham,
4 Tbsp. Mayonnaise Dressing,
and a little Cayenne to taste.
Fill the Egg Whites with this Mixture,
and place on slices of Tomato
arranged on a bed of Water Cress
which has been washed and chilled.
Garnish with Mayonnaise,
and strips of Pimento.
~~=~~ ~~=~~

Friday, February 26, 2010

Shirred Eggs

From an
cook book
Grease small muffin pans
and heat in the oven.
When hot,
drop an Egg into each place,
and bake in the oven
until the Whites are set.
Serve on a hot platter
on Toast.
= = = = =

Cabbage and Cheese (in Cream Sauce)

From a
cook book
1 head of medium size Cabbage.
Salt to taste.
Cut and cook 20 minutes in boiling water,
drain and place in a baking dish in layers with Cheese,
Cream Sauce,
and Bread Crumbs between layers.
Bread Crumbs and Butter on top.
Bake 40 minutes in moderate oven.
Cream Sauce:
2 Tbsp. Flour
2 Tbsp. Melted Butter
1 pt. Milk
Put this Cream Sauce between layers
of Cabbage and Cheese.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Chocolate Chip Cookies #2

Patty Wolfe
1 c. Shortening
1/4 lb. Butter
3 Eggs
3/4 c. Sugar
1 1/2 c. Brown Sugar
1 tsp. Baking Powder
1 tsp. Salt
1 tsp. Vanilla
3 c. + 6 Tbsp. Flour
? Chocolate Chips
Mix well,
Will make about
6 doz.

Plattar (Swedish Pancakes)

From an
old Swedish
cook book
2 Eggs, (separated)
2 c. Rich Milk
1 Tbsp. Sugar
2 heaping Tbsp. Flour
3 Tbsp. Melted Butter
1 pinch Salt
To well beaten Egg Yolks,
add Flour and Milk
Add Sugar,
and Butter.
Make Batter preferably a few hours before required.
Fold in stiffly beaten Egg Whites,
and fry in hot Butter.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Fried Mouse Pie

Things are Tough
all over the
5 Fat Field Mice
1 c. Macaroni
1/2 medium thinly sliced Onion
1 medium can Tomatoes
1 c. Cracker Crumbs
Boil Macaroni for 10 minutes.
While waiting,
fry the Field Mice in a skillet,
to fry out the excess Fat.
Grease a casserole dish,
put in a layer of Macaroni,
Add Onion,
Salt and Pepper.
Add the Field Mice,
then cover with remaining Macaroni.
Sprinkle top with Cracker Crumbs.
Again season with
Salt and pepper.
Bake at 325 F. for 20 minutes,
or until Mice are well-done.
.......In cold or rainy weather, when Field Mice are hard to find,
you may substitute for Sausages.
Favorite Recipes,
published by
Yachats Community
United Presbyterian Church
Women's Association,
Yachats, Oregon.

Shredded Wheat Bread

From a
very old
cook book
1 Yeast Cake
6 Shredded Wheat Biscuits
1 Qt. Hot Water
1 c. Molasses
1 c. Bran
1 Tbsp. Salt
2 Tbsp. Shortening
7 c. Flour
Dissolve the Yeast Cake in 1/4 c. Warm Water.
Pour Hot Water over the Molasses,
Shredded Wheat,
and Shortening.
Add Yeast Cake.
Add Flour and let rise.
Put in Loaf pans,
let rise again.
Bake in slow oven for at least 1 hour.
Makes 3 Loaves.
= = =

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Asparagus on Toast

From a
cook book
- - - - - - - -
Cut Asparagus in short lengths,
cook in Salt Water until done,
add 2 Tbsp. Flour,
stir with a fork,
add 1 Tbsp. Butter,
1/2 c. Sweet Milk and Cream mixed,
Salt and Pepper to taste.
Have small pieces of Toast prepared,
place in individual dishes,
cover with Creamed Asparagus
and serve.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Creamed Carrots

From a
cook book
Slice new Carrots
and boil until tender in Salted Water;
use as little Water as possible
and prevent burning,
so that the sweetness will remain in the Vegetable,
and not be thrown away in the Water;
prepare a Cream made of...
2 Tbsp. Butter,
rubbed into
2 Tbsp. Flour,
and 1 pt. of boiling Milk
(or thin Cream)
poured over it;
let all boil up once with the Carrots;
sprinkle chopped Parsley over the Dish
just before sending it to the table.

Cottage Pudding

From a
cook book
1 Egg
1/4 c. Butter
1/4 c. Sugar
1 c. Milk
2 1/4 c. Flour
1/2 tsp. Salt
3 Rounded tsp. Baking Powder
Mix well,
and bake like a Cake.
Use medium flame.
Serve with
Lemon Sauce,
Strawberry Sauce.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Candy Fruits, (how to)

From a
cook book
To Candy Fruits;
Use for this purpose
a fine White Loaf Sugar
in any quantity desired.
Dip each Lump into clear Soft Water
and drop the Moistened Lumps
into a porcelain or other saucepan.
Boil to the Caramel State,
removing the scum as fast as it appears.
Remove the saucepan from the fire
and place it in a vessel of Hot Water.
As soon as the Syrup ceases to boil,
dip the Fruit to be Candied,
one by one,
into the Hot Syrup,
and place it to dry and harden
in a cool place.
Almost any kind of Ripe Fruit
may be Candied in this manner,
as Ripe Grapes,
sections of
or Pineapple, etc.
Make a Syrup of
3 1/2 lbs. of Granulated Sugar
1 pt. of Soft Water
or Distilled Water
by boiling 3 to 5 minutes.
Remove from the fire,
immerse the Fruit,
and let stand 2 or 3 hours.
Strain off the Syrup,
which may be used for other Candies,
and let the Fruit stand in front of a baking oven
with the door open
until the Moisture is dried out,
when the Sugar will crystallize.

Cream Puffs

From a
cook book
1 c. Hot Water
1/2 c. Butter
Boil these together,
and while boiling
stir in
1 c. Sifted Flour dry.
Take from the stove
and stir to a thin Paste,
and after this cools
stir in 3 Eggs (unbeaten).
Stir it for 5 minutes.
Drop in Tablespoons on a Buttered tin
and bake in a quick oven for 25 minutes,
opening the oven door no more often
than is absolutely necessary,
and being careful that they do not
touch each other in the pan.
This amount will make 12 Puffs.
Cream for the above:
1 c. Milk
1 c. Sugar
1 Egg
3 Tbsp. Flour
some Vanilla, to flavor
Stir the Flour in a little Milk.
Boil the rest;
turn this in and stir until the whole thickens.
When both this and the Puffs are cool,
open the Puffs a little way with a sharp knife,
and fill them with the Cream.
() These never fail to Puff ()
This Cream may also be filled into other Tart shells
and found to be very nice.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Currant Jelly

From a
cook book
Stem the Currants,
or not,
just as you please.
Place in a preserving kettle
and cover with water.
Allow to boil
until the Currants are soft.
Pour all into a Jelly Bag
and allow to drain.
Squeeze the bag a little
just at the end of the draining.
To each cup of Juice,
use 1 c. Sugar.
Heat the juice.
Warm the Sugar in the oven
before adding to the heated Juice.
Place on the fire and allow to boil
only until 1 or 2 Tbsp. poured into a Butter Dish,
forms a Scum on top.
Most people have their own particular way of testing Jelly,
but this happens to be our favorite,
and may be used or not as desired.
\' '/

Baked Halibut (with Cheese Sauce)

From an
cook book
Having sufficiently baked a piece of Halibut,
say 2 or 3 lbs.,
which should be basted freely with Milk,
it can be served with a Cheese Sauce,
made in this way;
Melt 1 Tbsp. Butter,
add 1 1/2 tsp. Corn Starch,
and slowly pour on 3/4 c. Milk;
add 1/2 lb. of Soft Rich Cheese,
cut fine.
Season with
and Cayenne.
Add 1 beaten Egg as soon as the Cheese is melted.
This combination with Fish is fine.
It will remind you of
Taft's at Point Shirley.
<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Friday, February 19, 2010

Daisy Salad

From a
cook book
\|/ \|/
A Spring time Special
Cut the Whites of 8 Hard Boiled Eggs into rings,
and mix the Yolks with 1 pt. of good Mayonnaise Dressing.
On a Platter,
arrange Lettuce Leaves in a circle
so that every 2 will be in a round, or cup-like shape.
On these cups,
arrange the Egg rings to simulate daisy petals,
and heap the Yolks in the center.
\|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/

Sweet Potato Biscuits

From a
cook book
1 pt. Mashed Sweet Potatoes
2 Tbsp. Sugar
2 Tbsp. Milk
1 piece Lard, {the size of an Egg
1 tsp. Baking Soda
some Flour, {sufficient to make a soft Dough
and bake as any other Biscuits
= = = = = = = = = = = =

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Egg Chops

From a
cook book
() () () ()
4 Eggs
1 Tbsp. Butter
2 Tbsp.Flour
1 c. Milk
some Salt
some Pepper
some Onion Juice
Hard cook 4 Eggs.
Make a thick White Sauce of the other Ingredients;
add the Eggs, chopped up.
Shape into eight patties with the hands,
set in the ice box to stand for several hours.
Then fry them in Deep Fat,
saute in Lard,
or in Butter.
__ __ __ __

Creamed Shrimp

From a
,,,,cook book,,,,,

2 c. Cooked Shrimp
1 tsp. Lemon Juice
1/4 tsp. Celery Salt
1 1/2 c. White Sauce
Add Shrimp,
Lemon Juice,
and Celery Salt
to Hot White Sauce
and heat thoroughly.
Serve on Toast
Crisp Crackers.
Garnish with
and Parsley.
Serves 4

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mousseline Pudding

From a
cook book
Take the Rind of 2 Lemons,
and with the Juice,
mix in 2 ozs. of Powdered Sugar,
2 ozs. of Fresh Butter,
a pinch of Salt,
and the Yolks of 4 Eggs.
Put in a stew pan and stir briskly;
let the Mixture just come to a boil.
Set it to cool in a basin;
when quite cold,
stir in 1 more Egg Yolk.
Whip 4 Egg Whites to a firm froth,
and mix in carefully,
so that the Mixture is perfectly smooth and uniform.
Butter a plain mould,
fill with the Mixture,
steam for 45 minutes.
Serve with Fruit Sauce.

Potato Balls (Kartoffelklosse)

From a
cook book
Take 1 Qt. Potatoes,
peel and grate them,
then drain them through a coarse towel
so they are free from any water.
Next take 4 Boiled Potatoes
the size of an egg
and grate them to the raw ones,
mix with Salt,
and a little Nutmeg.
While making the balls
dip the hands in cold water,
and in the centre of each ball
put a couple of small pieces of Bread
which has been fried brown in Butter.
Then put them in boiling Salted Water
and let them boil for about 10 or 15 minutes.
They must be boiled as soon as made,
because they turn black if allowed to stand.
Beef a la mode with Potato Balls
is a regular
German Dinner.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pickled Onions

From an
cook book
\|/ \|/
Peel the smallest Onions
that can be obtained
and place them in a strong Brine for 2 days;
then lay in fresh Water for 1 day.
Pack closely in jars,
then fill with Best Vinegar cold.
They will keep this way
for Years.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Sandwich or Picnic Biscuit

From a
cook book

= = = = = =

2 c. Flour
4 tsp. Baking Powder
1/2 tsp. Salt
2 Tbsp. Shortening
3/4 c. Milk
Sift together the
Baking Powder,
and Salt.
Add the Shortening
and mix in thoroughly with steel fork.
Add Liquid slowly to make Soft Dough.
Roll Dough to 1/4 inch thick;
cut with a small Biscuit Cutter.
Spread 1/2 rounds with Creamed Butter
and thickly with Chopped Ham,
or other Meat;
cover with remaining rounds;
press together
and brush tops and sides with Milk.
Bake in greased pan
in a hot oven at 475 F.
for 10 to 12 minutes.
(Makes 14 sandwiches).
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Mahogany Cakes

From a
cook book

1 c. Sweet Milk
1 Large Egg
1 c. Flour
Mix well,
and bake in cups
for 30 minutes
in a quick oven.
This is an excellent
Breakfast Cake.
= = = = =

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Whole Wheat Waffles

From a
cook book

1 c. White Flour
3/4 c. Whole Wheat Flour
1 1/2 Tbsp. Sugar
3 tsp. Baking Powder
3/4 tsp. Salt
2 Large Eggs, {beaten seporately
1 c. light Cream
1/2 c. Milk
4 Tbsp. Melted Shortening
Put all Dry Ingreedients in a sifter
to be sifted together into a mixing bowl.
Beat Egg Yolks, {only,
then adding gradually
the Cream,
and Milk
to blend smoothly.
Mix carefully
the Dry Ingredients
liquid Mixture.
Last, fold very stiffly beaten Egg Whites
into Batter.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Creamed Spinach

From a
cook book
Wash the Spinach,
and cook thoroughly for 20 minutes
in Salted Water;
drain well,
and chop up fine.
Return to the fire,
add 1 Tbsp. of Butter,
some Salt & Pepper,
stir until the Butter is melted;
then add 2 Tbsp. of Cream,
and finely chopped Yolks of
2 Hard Boiled Eggs,
and beat well.

Raisin Bread

From an
cook book
The Dough is made of Whole Wheat Flour,
into which is put
1 1/2 pt. of Milk,
1 tsp. Salt,
1 Tbsp. of Sugar,
and 1/2 of a Compressed Yeast Cake.
Scald the Milk,
and pour it over the Salt and Sugar.
When it has cooled to lukewarm,
add the Yeast dissolved in warm Water.
Stir in Flour
to make a Drop Batter,
beat hard for 5 minutes,
then set it in a warm place to rise.
When light and spongy,
add 2 c. of Raisins,
and Flour enough to make a Soft Dough,
turn out on the board,
and knead until very smooth.
Let it rise again until light,
make into 2 Loaves,
and bake slowly,
keeping the pans covered for 3o to 40 minutes,
and then removing the covers.
Keep a pan of Water in the oven.
Dates or other Dried Fruits
may also be used instead of Raisins.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Chocolate Walnuts

From a
cook book
Dip 1/2 Walnut Meats
in melted
Sweet Chocolate
and lay aside
on paraffin paper to dry.
= = = = = = = = =

Fudge Brownies

From an
4 squares Unsweetened Chocolate
1/2 c. Butter
4 Eggs
2 c. Sugar
1 c. Flour
1 tsp. Vanilla
1 c. Walnuts, {chopped... (optional)
Melt Chocolate with Butter
in double boiler.
Let cool some.
Beat Eggs until foamy,
gradually add Sugar,
beating well after each addition.
Blend in the Chocolate Mixture.
Stir in Flour.
Add Vanilla
and Walnuts, if desired.
Pour into a greased 9 inch square pan.
Bake at 325 for about 40 minutes.
Let cool before cutting.

Dumplings for Stew

From a
cook book
2 c. Sifted Flour
1 1/4 tsp. Baking Powder
3/4 tsp. Salt
1 Tbsp. Butter
2/3 c. (approx.) Milk
Sift Flour,
Baking Powder,
and Salt together.
Cut in Butter with pastry blender or 2 knives.
Add sufficient Milk
to make a soft Dough.
Turn out on a well-Floured board
and roll about 1/2 inch thick.
Cut into small squares,
drop in hot Liquid,
cover closely and cook for 20 to 25 minutes.
Cooking utensils must always have a tight-fitting cover
or Dumplings will be heavy.
Makes 12 Dumplings.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


From a
cook book
4 c. Flour
1 pt. Sour Milk, - or Cream
1 tsp. Baking Soda
4 Eggs, { beaten separately
1 piece Butter the size of an egg
a little Salt
Beat all well together.

Fish a la Creme

From an
cook book
Mix smoothly in 1 c. of Cold Milk
1 Tbsp. Flour,
stir it into 1 c. of Boiling Milk,
when thick and smooth,
add the meat of any cold Fish,
picked free from skin and bones.
Season with Salt,
and 1 Tbsp. Butter.
If the Cream is desired to be extra rich,
1 well beaten Egg may be added
one minute before removing it from the fire.
Serve hot.
A pinch of Cayenne or
1 salt spoon (= 1/4 tsp.) of Paprika
is relished by many.

Simple Lye Soap, (how to make)

From a
recipe book
37 1/2 lbs. Tallow
5 lbs. Lye
9 Qt. Watter
Melt Tallow,
then dissolve the Lye
in the Water.
Slowly pour the Lye Water
into the melted Tallow
and with a wooden paddle,
stir for at least 15 minutes,
adding the Lye Solution
during the entire length of time.
When the mass has thickened,
pour into molds or pans.
,_____, ,_____, ,_____,


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hush Puppies

From a
cook book
_ _ _ _ _
(To eat with Deep Fried Fish)
1 c. Corn Meal
2 tsp. Baking Powder
1/2 tsp. Salt
1 medium Onion, {minced
1 Egg
1/4 c. Milk
Mix together the Dry Ingredients
and the finely cut Onion.
Beat in the Egg vigorously,
add the Liquid.
Form into small patties
round or finger shaped.
Drop in the deep smoking Fat,
in which the Fish has been fried,
until they are a deep brown.
Serve hot and at once.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Arabian Iced Tea

From a
cook book
To 1 pt. of fresh made Tea,
add 1 Qt. Lemonade;
1 sprig of Mint;
1/2 Cucumber, (sliced);
then shake in a little Pepper.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Olive Sandwich

From a
cook book
Grind up very fine
Pecan Nuts,
with either
Ripe Olives,
or Green Olives.
Add to this Mixture
a little Mayonnaise Dressing.
Use this Mixture as a
Spread for Sandwiches,
using lettuce as an additional filling or not,
as desired.
Of course, these Sandwiches are a little harder to take care of
than the simpler ones,
but make a change in the way of a celebration.
= = = = =

Inexpensive Fudge

From a
recipe book
To 2 c. Sugar
add 1 c. Water,
3 Tbsp. Cocoa,
and a small pinch of Salt;
boil until it makes a soft ball in water.
Then add 1 Tbsp. Butter
and cool it in a bowl of water.
Add 1/2 tsp. Vanilla,
stir until creamy
and pour on a Buttered dish.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Cheese Waffles

From a
cook book
2 c. Sifted Flour
1/2 tsp. Salt
5 Tbsp. Melted Butter
2 tsp. Baking Powder
3 Egg Yolks, {well beaten
1 1/4 c. Milk
1 c. grated American Cheese
3 Egg Whites, {stiffly beaten
Sift Flour, measure,
then add Baking Powder,
and Salt,
and sift again.
Combine Egg Yolks and Milk;
add Flour,
beaten until smooth,
add Butter,
and Cheese.
Fold in Egg Whites.
Bake in hot Waffle iron.
Makes five 4-section Waffles.
## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ##

Tea ... (how to make)

From a
very old
cook book
2 c. boiling Water
3 tsp. Tea
Scald an earthen or china teapot
and dry it.
Put in the Tea
and pour over it the Boiling Water.
Let it stand in a warm place for 5 minutes
before serving.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sweet Potato Pie #3

From a
cook book
- - - - -
1 c. Sweet Potatoes, {mashed
1 Qt. Sweet Milk
2 Tbsp. Melted Butter
3 Eggs, {beaten
2/3 c. Sugar
some Nutmeg
some Cinnamon
Boil the Sweet Potatoes very soft.
Peel, mash, adding the Milk,
and put through a colander.
Have a pie-dish lined with Paste.
Beat together the Butter and Sugar.
Add the Sweet Potatoes,
a little at a time,
then the Eggs,
and Flavoring.
Fill the Paste lined tins
and bake.

This will make 2 large pies,
or 3 small pies

Raisin Candy

From a
cook book
Prepare the Syrup;
Boil to the hard ball over a slow fire
1 lb. Granulated Sugar
in 1 pt. Water.
Stir in 1/2 tsp. Vinegar,
1 lump of Butter the size of an English Walnut.
Cover the bottom of a Buttered pan
with a layer of Raisins,
pour on this a thin layer of Syrup,
add more Raisins,
and so continue until the Candy
is of any desired thickness.
Mark in squares when nearly cold.