Saturday, April 11, 2009

Bread Sticks

From an
Bread Sticks are an inviting accompaniment for Soup.
4 c. Flour
1 c. boiled Milk
1 scoop Butter, -{size of an Egg
1 Tbsp. Sugar
1 Egg White
1/4 cake Compressed Yeast
sufficient Salt
The Butter is to be dissolved in the warm Milk,
and the Yeast dissolved in a little cold Water.
The White of the Egg is beaten to a stiff froth.
Put all with the Flour and thoroughly knead,
then let rise over night.
Next morning take a piece of the dough
about as large as a pullet's Egg,
and roll out into sticks about a foot long.
Place them in long pans, 2 inches apart,
let them rise in a cool place for 1/2 an hour.
Bake 1/2 hour in a slow oven,
they should be dry and crisp.
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