Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Baked Rhubarb

From a
cook book
Rhubarb should be classed as a fruit.
The chief objection to this fruit is that
it is necessary to use so much Sugar
to make it palatable.
Try putting a little Baking Soda
with the Rhubarb when it comes to the boiling-point,
and you will not have to use so much Sugar.
It is also very palatable cooked with a few Raisins
for sweetening.
A splendid way to cook Rhubarb is in the casserole.
Cut the Rhubarb into fairly good pieces.
Place in a closely covered casserole,
using a small amount of Water.
Put to bake in a very slow oven.
When it has reached the scalding-point,
add a small amount of Soda,
and when that is thoroughly mixed,
add your Sugar.
If a transparent casserole is used,
this makes a very attractive dish
to serve either as a Dessert in a Meat meal,
or to take the place of one of the Vegetables.
When cooked in this manner,
the Rhubarb does not lose its color,
nor does it go to pieces at all.
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