Sunday, February 21, 2010

Cream Puffs

From a
cook book
1 c. Hot Water
1/2 c. Butter
Boil these together,
and while boiling
stir in
1 c. Sifted Flour dry.
Take from the stove
and stir to a thin Paste,
and after this cools
stir in 3 Eggs (unbeaten).
Stir it for 5 minutes.
Drop in Tablespoons on a Buttered tin
and bake in a quick oven for 25 minutes,
opening the oven door no more often
than is absolutely necessary,
and being careful that they do not
touch each other in the pan.
This amount will make 12 Puffs.
Cream for the above:
1 c. Milk
1 c. Sugar
1 Egg
3 Tbsp. Flour
some Vanilla, to flavor
Stir the Flour in a little Milk.
Boil the rest;
turn this in and stir until the whole thickens.
When both this and the Puffs are cool,
open the Puffs a little way with a sharp knife,
and fill them with the Cream.
() These never fail to Puff ()
This Cream may also be filled into other Tart shells
and found to be very nice.

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