Friday, November 7, 2008

Scalloped Cauliflower

One Cauliflower
3/4 c. Milk
1 Tbsp. Butter
2 Tbsp. Bread Crumbs
1 Egg
some Salt & Pepper
Boil the Cauliflower until tender.
(about 20 minutes)
Make a sauce of the
Butter, ~ {melted...
add Milk, and Bread Crumbs.
Simmer until Crumbs absorb the Liquid.
add the beaten Egg .....
remove from the stove before the Egg is cooked.
Break up the Cauliflower carefully;
arrange in a Buttered baking dish,
(I use a casserole bowl);
sprinkle with Salt & Pepper.
Pour sauce over this;
dust a few dry Bread Crumbs on the top.
Garnish with a small amount of
finely Grated Cheese. <<<(optional).
Bake until top is a very light brown.

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